/*globals jQuery:true;Ember:true */
@module bricksui
@submodule bricksui-thirdpart
* Normalizes values to be used in a sort for natural sort
* @private
* @param {Mixed} a
* @param {Mixed} b
* @return {Array}
var normalizeSortValues = function (a, b) {
// Set unsupported types. May need to be made into a whitelist instead
var failTypes = ['function', 'object', 'array', 'date', 'regexp'];
// Check if `b` can be normalized
if (jQuery.inArray(jQuery.type(a), failTypes) !== -1) {
throw new Error('Cannot normalize input `a`! ' + jQuery.type(a) + ' was passed!');
// Check if `b` can be normalized
if (jQuery.inArray(jQuery.type(b), failTypes) !== -1) {
throw new Error('Cannot normalize input `b`! ' + jQuery.type(b) + ' was passed!');
// Function that does the normalizing
var norm = function (input) {
// Some setup
var ret,
tests = {
// Regex to detect if is number
number: /^([0-9]+?)$/
// Figure out what the value is return the normalized version
switch (jQuery.type(input)) {
case 'string':
if (tests.number.test(jQuery.trim(input))) {
return parseInt(input, 10);
return jQuery.trim(input).toLowerCase();
case 'null':
return '';
case 'boolean':
return input ? '0' : '1';
return input;
// Normalize variables
a = norm(a);
b = norm(b);
// If types differ, set them both to strings
if ((typeof a === 'string' && typeof b === 'number') || (typeof b === 'string' && typeof a === 'number')) {
a = String(a);
b = String(b);
// Return normalized values
return [a, b];
@type {Ember.Mixin}
@namespace BricksUI
@class StaticPageable
var StaticPageable = Ember.Mixin.create({
* 当前页码
* @property currentPage
* @type {Number}
currentPage: 1,
* 每页显示条数
* @property perPage
* @type {Number}
perPage: 100,
* 排序字段
* @property sortBy
* @type {String}
sortBy: null,
* 排序方向
* @property sortDirection
* @type {String}
sortDirection: 'ascending',
* 静态数据本地数据存放的集合
* @property data
* @type {Array}
data: [],
* Used for the collection view for which items to show
* @return {Array}
content: function () {
// Get the starting and ending point of the array to slice
var start = (this.get('currentPage') - 1) * this.get('perPage'),
end = start + this.get('perPage');
return this.get('data').slice(start, end);
}.property('currentPage', 'perPage', 'data.@each'),
* 总页数
* @property totalPages
* @return int Total Number of Pages
totalPages: function () {
return Math.ceil(this.get('data.length') / this.get('perPage'));
}.property('data.@each', 'perPage'),
actions: {
* 后一页
* @method nextPage
nextPage: function () {
// Make sure you can go forward first
if (this.get('currentPage') === this.get('totalPages'))
return null; // NOOP
// Set the current page to the next page
this.set('currentPage', this.get('currentPage') + 1);
* 前一页
* @method prevPage
prevPage: function () {
// Make sure you can go backwards first
if (this.get('currentPage') === 1)
return null; // NOOP
// Set the current page to the previous page
this.set('currentPage', this.get('currentPage') - 1);
* 第一页
* @method firstPage
firstPage: function () {
this.set('currentPage', 1);
* 尾页
* @method lastPage
lastPage: function () {
this.set('currentPage', this.get('totalPages'));
* Sorts the data by a property
* @param {String} property
* @param {String} direction
* @return {Void}
sortByProperty: function (property, direction) {
var data = this.get('data').slice();
// Set up sort direction
if (direction === undefined) {
if (this.get('sortBy') === property && this.get('sortDirection') === 'ascending')
direction = 'descending';
direction = 'ascending';
// Custom sort to sort alphanumerically
data.sort(function (a, b) {
// Normalize values to make sort natural
var normalizedValues = normalizeSortValues(a.get(property), b.get(property)),
va = normalizedValues[0],
vb = normalizedValues[1];
// Do the sorting
if (va === vb)
return 0;
else {
// Reverse if necessary
if (direction === 'ascending')
return va > vb ? 1 : -1;
return va < vb ? 1 : -1;
// Now that sort is complete, set the controller
this.set('sortBy', property);
// Assign sort direction
this.set('sortDirection', direction);
// Assign the data
this.set('data', data);
// Reset the current page to 1
this.set('currentPage', 1);
* `modelName` 必须配置,当前分页组件所要请求的模型名称
* `query` 要传入到后台的查询参数,是一个计算属性,需要返回`Object`
App.ApplicationController = Ember.ArrayController.extend(BricksUI.DynamicPageable,{
perPage: 5,
pageSizes: [
return {
`BricksUI.DynamicPageable` 用于扩展控制器的分页功能
`BricksUI.BuPagination` 用于分页组件视图的呈现,并且将`action`委托给控制器
@namespace BricksUI
@type {Ember.Mixin}
@class DynamicPageable
var DynamicPageable = Ember.Mixin.create({
* 当前页码
* @property currentPage
* @type {Number}
currentPage: 1,
* 每页显示多少条
* @property perPage
* @type {Number}
perPage: 10,
* 排序字段
* @property sortBy
* @type {String}
sortBy: null,
* 排序方向,升序或者降序
* @property sortDirection
* @type {String}
* @default ascending
sortDirection: 'ascending',
init: function () {
Ember.assert("the modelName must provided !", this.get('modelName'));
this.paramNames = Ember.$.extend(this.paramNames || {}, this.defaultParamNames);
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
* @private
* @returns {null}
getParams: function () {
return this.paramNames;
* 查询参数,可覆盖`defaultParamNames`
* @property paramNames
* @type {Object}
* @default null
paramNames: null,
* 默认的查询参数
* @property defaultParamNames
* @type {Object}
* @default {
* start: 'start',
* limit: 'limit',
* sort: 'sort',
* dir: 'dir'
* }
defaultParamNames: {
start: 'start',
limit: 'limit',
sort: 'sort',
dir: 'dir'
* 数据加载中
* @property loading
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
loading: false,
* 用户的自定以查询参数
* @property query
* @type {Object}
* @default null
query: null,
* @private
cursor: 0,
* @private
doLoad: function (start) {
if (!this.get('store')) {
return [];
var o = {}, pn = this.getParams(), that = this;
o[pn.start] = start;
o[pn.limit] = this.get('perPage');
o[pn.sort] = this.get("sortBy");
o[pn.dir] = this.get("sortDirection");
Ember.$.extend(o, this.get('query'));
if (this.get('loading')) {
return false;
var loadingPromise = this.store.find(this.get('modelName'), o).then(function (models) {
var perPage = o.limit,
len = models.get('length');
Ember.assert("server return models length is " + models.get('length') + " but the config perPage is " + perPage, len === perPage);
that.set("content", models);
that.set("cursor", start);
Ember.propertyDidChange(that, "totalPages");
that.set("loading", false);
this.set("loading", true);
return loadingPromise;
* 总页数
* @property totalPages
totalPages: function () {
return Math.ceil(this.getTotalCount() / this.get('perPage'));
actions: {
* 下一页
* @method nextPage
nextPage: function () {
// Make sure you can go forward first
if (this.get('currentPage') === this.get('totalPages'))
return null; // NOOP
// Set the current page to the next page
var promise = this.doLoad(this.cursor + this.get('perPage'));
if (promise.then) {
var that = this;
promise.then(function () {
that.set('currentPage', that.get('currentPage') + 1);
* 上一页
* @method prevPage
prevPage: function () {
// Make sure you can go backwards first
if (this.get('currentPage') === 1)
return null; // NOOP
// Set the current page to the previous page
var promise = this.doLoad(Math.max(0, this.cursor - this.get('perPage')));
if (promise.then) {
var that = this;
promise.then(function () {
that.set('currentPage', that.get('currentPage') - 1);
* 首页
* @method firstPage
firstPage: function () {
this.set("currentPage", 1);
* 尾页
* @method lastPage
lastPage: function () {
var total = this./**/getTotalCount(),
extra = total % this.get('perPage');
this.set("currentPage", this.get('totalPages'));
this.doLoad(extra ? (total - extra) : total - this.get('perPage'));
* 总条数
* @method getTotalCount
* @returns {*|number}
getTotalCount: function () {
var meta = this.store.metadataFor(this.get('modelName'));
return meta.total || 0;
* 根据属性名称排序
* @method sortByProperty
sortByProperty: function (property, direction) {
var data = this.get('content').slice();
// Set up sort direction
if (direction === undefined) {
if (this.get('sortBy') === property && this.get('sortDirection') === 'ascending')
direction = 'descending';
direction = 'ascending';
// Custom sort to sort alphanumerically
data.sort(function (a, b) {
// Normalize values to make sort natural
var normalizedValues = normalizeSortValues(a.get(property), b.get(property)),
va = normalizedValues[0],
vb = normalizedValues[1];
// Do the sorting
if (va === vb)
return 0;
else {
// Reverse if necessary
if (direction === 'ascending')
return va > vb ? 1 : -1;
return va < vb ? 1 : -1;
// Now that sort is complete, set the controller
this.set('sortBy', property);
// Assign sort direction
this.set('sortDirection', direction);
// Assign the data
this.set('content', data);
// Reset the current page to 1
//this.set('currentPage', 1);
export {